Life in Walnut Grove is tough. Trying to make it through life without modern conveniences like electricity, plumbing, or cures for The Fever. Sometimes, the day-to-day problems border on the absurd, regardless of if you are looking at them through the context of 2008, 1978, or 1890.
Anyway, this blog is my attempt at recapping some of the more...insane episodes of this classic television series. These won't be done in any particular order, just whatever Hallmark or TV Land throws my way. Fortunately that gives me about 10 episodes a day to choose one to recap (and many to save for later).
For some good starting points into the mindset I'm working with here, check out the show's Wikipedia page and this nifty (and accurate) guide over at Monkey See.
Need Your Feedback: Which Character Should I Profile Next?
Character profiles tend to be popular at *Laura's Little houses*. So far I
have profiled:
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Mary Ingalls Kendall
Almanzo James W...
3 days ago