Hello readers,
I know I haven't updated in ages, but I wanted to let you know about a new LHotP book that came out last week. The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie by Wendy McClure follows Wendy's adventures as she explores the world of Laura Ingalls Wilder through the books, TV show, historical sites, and the fanbase. Full disclosure: this blog is mentioned in the book, so I wanted to reciprocate the shout out. Woo!
For people who have read the book and are checking out this site: welcome! I hope you find some recaps you enjoy...or at least barely tolerate. It is my hope to return to recapping episodes sometime this summer. I write several recaps a week at the site TVLatest.com, so writing recaps for sport is challenging to pencil in. If you have any episode requests/recommendations, I'd love to hear from you. Comments are always welcome!
Need Your Feedback: Which Character Should I Profile Next?
Character profiles tend to be popular at *Laura's Little houses*. So far I
have profiled:
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Mary Ingalls Kendall
Almanzo James W...
3 days ago